Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead(Movie Review)

So I was scrolling through the movie list on netflix and stumbled across a movie titled "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead"(Click here to watch the trailer). The movie follows an Australian named Joe Cross through his journey to lose weight through "juicing". Joe was a 100 pounds overweight, one steroid away from becoming a professional  baseball player and was suffering from a debilitating autoimmune disease. In hopes of changing(and saving) his life, he took up juicing for 60 days in a row to reboot his body. Along the way he met and spoke to hundreds of people across America who were overweight and unhealthy, but felt like they did not have the will power to make the changes and take the challenge that he was doing. Joe did find two people who were willing to take him up on his challenge and the film documents their changes as well. I will not give away any more about the movie, but I would HIGHLY recommend that you take the time to watch it. I may even consider juicing myself to see if I have the will power to take on this challenge. Until next time, stay focused, stay strong and stay positive!

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