If you have only exercised a few times in your life or never at all, there is no better day than today to make a commitment to being a healthier you! Eating better and exercising shouldn't be a burden to you, it should be a reward!
Trust me when I say that you will look and feel a million times better once you get to exercising and eating right on a normal basis. Don't look at these things as diet/exercise fads or trends. Call them lifestyle changes! Commit to them and stick with the commitments no matter how tough it gets and truly make it your lifestyle! Also, know that you are not going to lose all of your weight overnight. It didn't take you one night to gain it all so it won't take you one night to lose it all! I won't sit here and lie to you and tell you that it is super easy and you will adapt to it easy. But it will be worth it! I can promise you that! Or who knows? Maybe you will, I know I had my struggles but I sure am glad that I stuck it out and stayed on my journey.
I get lots of questions weekly about what I'm doing for exercise and what types of stuff I eat. One of the big questions I get a lot is how do I stay motivated each day? I'm not going to lie, it gets rough some days. But you have to honestly want it. You have to wake up and tell yourself each day what you are working towards and tell yourself you will get there until you believe it! No one can do the work for you but no one can stop you either! Others can inspire you and motivate you and push you until they can't anymore but if YOU don't do the work, you won't get results. You have to look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself, am I honestly happy with myself right now? If the answer is no then you MUST make some changes!
I am still not where I want to be but I sure am not what I once was. I have been on this journey for almost two years now and there have been plenty of ups and downs. I have had bad days, bad weeks and even a bad month or two. But I knew who was accountable for it all and I knew what I needed to do to get back on track.
The best advice that I can give you is to surround yourself with a great support team. There will be days when you will need them to carry you and push you when you are encountering these bad times. You will want to give up, you might even give up a time or two but bouncing back from that is one of the most awesome feelings in the world! I have a ton of people to thank for my success so far, I can't thank them enough and I hope they know that I appreciate them very much! If you have questions please feel free to contact me at anytime! If I don't have the answer for you, I will find someone who does! Stay safe, stay focused, stay strong but most importantly STAY POSITIVE!